Worldwide sale. ATTENTION: prevents the seller from contacting the seller, causing me to lose many sales. You must therefore contact me with my contact details in the last lines of this description. 05-49-56-63-75 . Choisy le Roi plate: CAVALIERS. Lentil plate with sepia decoration from the Cavaliers series bearing the number 10. The rider has nothing else to do but watch the horizon. Below, inscription: Terre de Fer H.B.&Cie FRANCE . Good condition. Diameter 20 cm. Superb plate to collect or to offer.
Worldwide sale. ATTENTION: prevents the seller from contacting the seller, causing me to lose many sales. You must therefore contact me with my contact details in the last lines of this description. 05-49-56-63-75 . Choisy le Roi plate: CAVALIERS. Lentil plate with sepia decoration from the Cavaliers series bearing the number 10. The rider has nothing else to do but watch the horizon. Below, inscription: Terre de Fer H.B.&Cie FRANCE . Good condition. Diameter 20 cm. Superb plate to collect or to offer.