SUPERB IMPORTANT CHINA CERAMIC COVERED POT with a rotating decoration of Duck, Dragonfly, Lotus Flowers, Birds - Beautiful bright colors - in very good used condition (see photos) - Ref.42070121/408 - Edge height 19 and 24 cm with lid - Edge diameter 14.6 cm - Max diameter 25 cm - Bottom diameter 15.8 cm - Weight 3.5 kg -
Indicative prices may vary + or - according to volume
34.30 €

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SUPERB IMPORTANT CHINA CERAMIC COVERED POT with a rotating decoration of Duck, Dragonfly, Lotus Flowers, Birds - Beautiful bright colors - in very good used condition (see photos) - Ref.42070121/408 - Edge height 19 and 24 cm with lid - Edge diameter 14.6 cm - Max diameter 25 cm - Bottom diameter 15.8 cm - Weight 3.5 kg -