
SILVER DESSERT LADLE XIXTH MINERVE AND BIGORNE HALLMARKS M1102 This ladle bears the following hallmarks: silversmith hallmark P B (Berthier Philippe 1841), Minerva hallmark and Bigorne hallmark. Goldsmith hallmark: PB and a duck. Master goldsmith: Philippe Berthier Practiced from 1841 to 1851 at 23 rue aux Ours, then 63 passage Beaufort and finally 21 rue Quincampoix, Paris. His first punch PB and a garden well is used between June 1, 1841 and June 28, 1845. This second woodcock punch will be used from June 5, 1847 and re-inscribed on June 20, 1851. one of the greatest goldsmiths of the Second Empire who produced in quantity, in particular tastevins, soup tureens, cups and saucers, timpani and spoons. The house was taken over by Alphonse Debain in 1883. For the handle, we think of horn, without certainty. For the state, note micro-scratches, stains and deformations on the bowl, wear and friction on the horn handle, however this ladle remains in very decent general condition. It weighs a total weight of 50 grams Our many photos allow you to appreciate the quality of the object. For the state thank you for detailing the photos. Feel free to zoom. The photos are an integral part of the description. Dimensions: Total length: 39.5 cm Bowl length: 9 cm Bowl width: 5.5 cm Bowl thickness: 2.7 cm P: 980772 I remain at your disposal for any questions.
Réf  :   #60365
Brand / From :  Berthier Philippe
Color(s) :  Silver
Material :  Silver



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Last update : 13/01/2025
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44000 Nantes
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SILVER DESSERT LADLE XIXTH MINERVE AND BIGORNE HALLMARKS M1102 This ladle bears the following hallmarks: silversmith hallmark P B (Berthier Philippe 1841), Minerva hallmark and Bigorne hallmark. Goldsmith hallmark: PB and a duck. Master goldsmith: Philippe Berthier Practiced from 1841 to 1851 at 23 rue aux Ours, then 63 passage Beaufort and finally 21 rue Quincampoix, Paris. His first punch PB and a garden well is used between June 1, 1841 and June 28, 1845. This second woodcock punch will be used from June 5, 1847 and re-inscribed on June 20, 1851. one of the greatest goldsmiths of the Second Empire who produced in quantity, in particular tastevins, soup tureens, cups and saucers, timpani and spoons. The house was taken over by Alphonse Debain in 1883. For the handle, we think of horn, without certainty. For the state, note micro-scratches, stains and deformations on the bowl, wear and friction on the horn handle, however this ladle remains in very decent general condition. It weighs a total weight of 50 grams Our many photos allow you to appreciate the quality of the object. For the state thank you for detailing the photos. Feel free to zoom. The photos are an integral part of the description. Dimensions: Total length: 39.5 cm Bowl length: 9 cm Bowl width: 5.5 cm Bowl thickness: 2.7 cm P: 980772 I remain at your disposal for any questions.
Réf  :   #60365
Brand / From :  Berthier Philippe
Color(s) :  Silver
Material :  Silver


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