Corner shelf in rattan (or bamboo) and canework, from the 70s.
Good general condition, some marks of time without breakage.
Dimensions: height 100 cm, side 37 cm x 37 cm. Weight 3.5 kg.
Do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information and/or to make your offers.
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Indicative prices may vary + or - according to volume
32.30 €
34.30 €

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Corner shelf in rattan (or bamboo) and canework, from the 70s.
Good general condition, some marks of time without breakage.
Dimensions: height 100 cm, side 37 cm x 37 cm. Weight 3.5 kg.
Do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information and/or to make your offers.
See other items from this seller.