
OLD VASE IN SLATE in green color with a Majestic black deer in decoration - an original enamelling defect, irregular glaze and cracking (see photos) - in its finds juice - Height 27.5 cm - Length 12 cm - Foot diameter 9.1 cm - Weight 0.800 kg
Réf  :   #116857
Brand / From :  moulin des loups
Color(s) :  Black / Green
Material :  Ceramic
Pattern :  Floral, Vegetal


*PRETTY CERAMIC VASE SLIP DECORATION Dun BLACK DEER on a Green background early 20th century

1 1183  English  Français
Last update : 19/12/2024
25 23,00
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In its juice
16800 Soyaux
92.80 €
72.30 €
107.40 €
6.20 €
6.70 €
14.80 €

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OLD VASE IN SLATE in green color with a Majestic black deer in decoration - an original enamelling defect, irregular glaze and cracking (see photos) - in its finds juice - Height 27.5 cm - Length 12 cm - Foot diameter 9.1 cm - Weight 0.800 kg
Réf  :   #116857
Brand / From :  moulin des loups
Color(s) :  Black / Green
Material :  Ceramic
Pattern :  Floral, Vegetal


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