POLYCHROME TERRACOTTA GOURD AFRICA OCEANIA M685We have no certainty about this item. It is in terracotta and of ancient manufacture. We report rubbing on the barrel and white marks, cooking defects, a defect with a lack on the neck and the cap, wear on the paintwork. Note a badly successful restoration on the cap. Despite these defects, it remains in an acceptable state of preservation. It weighs 3.75 kilograms. We have carried out a basic cleaning. Sold in its own juice. For the state thank you for detailing the photos. The photos are an integral part of the description. Dimensions: Height: 26 cm Diameter was: 21 cm Diameter ass: 11.5 cm I remain at your disposal for any questions. Do not hesitate to contact me for any information
Indicative prices may vary + or - according to volume
36.20 €

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POLYCHROME TERRACOTTA GOURD AFRICA OCEANIA M685We have no certainty about this item. It is in terracotta and of ancient manufacture. We report rubbing on the barrel and white marks, cooking defects, a defect with a lack on the neck and the cap, wear on the paintwork. Note a badly successful restoration on the cap. Despite these defects, it remains in an acceptable state of preservation. It weighs 3.75 kilograms. We have carried out a basic cleaning. Sold in its own juice. For the state thank you for detailing the photos. The photos are an integral part of the description. Dimensions: Height: 26 cm Diameter was: 21 cm Diameter ass: 11.5 cm I remain at your disposal for any questions. Do not hesitate to contact me for any information