Oil on wood panel, portrait of a woman wearing a hairstyle typical of the mid-19th century: "Women, in 1840, and until 1860, used twists on the upper part of the head, and combined them with curls which hung on each side of the face. They adorned their hair with combs, flowers, leaves, pearls, or jeweled ribbons. Â They also had the habit of combing their hair with a parting in the middle, and a twist. on the nape of the neck Around 1860 twists tied at the nape of the neck came into almost general use. Curls around the face were popular around 1850. After 1860, curls and waves were very popular for women. and they used metal rollers (curlers) during the night to keep the hair wavy." (according to the site jimdofree.fr) No signature. (19x24.5) Foreign buyers are welcome please check shipping cost before buying. Careful shipping.
Oil on wood panel, portrait of a woman wearing a hairstyle typical of the mid-19th century: "Women, in 1840, and until 1860, used twists on the upper part of the head, and combined them with curls which hung on each side of the face. They adorned their hair with combs, flowers, leaves, pearls, or jeweled ribbons. Â They also had the habit of combing their hair with a parting in the middle, and a twist. on the nape of the neck Around 1860 twists tied at the nape of the neck came into almost general use. Curls around the face were popular around 1850. After 1860, curls and waves were very popular for women. and they used metal rollers (curlers) during the night to keep the hair wavy." (according to the site jimdofree.fr) No signature. (19x24.5) Foreign buyers are welcome please check shipping cost before buying. Careful shipping.