Oil on canvas by Lewarny Bouquet of flowers Mid 20th century L2173 This bouquet of flowers is from the 20th century, it is beautifully crafted, the touch is pretty. We have not identified the artist. Attention, it is not prepared, not restored. It has several flaws. A restoration is necessary, we report two tears one on the top another on the right of the signature, a depression, stains and scratches. Our many photos allow you to appreciate the quality of the object. For the State thank you for detailing the photos. Feel free to zoom. The photos are an integral part of the description. Dimensions: Height: 55 cm Width: 46 cm Thickness: 1.8 cm S: UZYETE3F I remain at your disposal for any questions.
Réf :
Oil on canvas by Lewarny Bouquet of flowers Mid 20th century L2173
Oil on canvas by Lewarny Bouquet of flowers Mid 20th century L2173 This bouquet of flowers is from the 20th century, it is beautifully crafted, the touch is pretty. We have not identified the artist. Attention, it is not prepared, not restored. It has several flaws. A restoration is necessary, we report two tears one on the top another on the right of the signature, a depression, stains and scratches. Our many photos allow you to appreciate the quality of the object. For the State thank you for detailing the photos. Feel free to zoom. The photos are an integral part of the description. Dimensions: Height: 55 cm Width: 46 cm Thickness: 1.8 cm S: UZYETE3F I remain at your disposal for any questions.