Napoleon III bouquet holder. Superb bouquet holder composed of a white opaline cone enameled with flowers and with a wavy edge of blue glass. The support is in silver metal with a cherub playing around the base of the cone. Good condition but a metal foot is missing which does not destabilize the whole. (photos 8 and 10) Height: 27 cm. Diameter: 10 cm. To collect or to offer.
Napoleon III bouquet holder. Superb bouquet holder composed of a white opaline cone enameled with flowers and with a wavy edge of blue glass. The support is in silver metal with a cherub playing around the base of the cone. Good condition but a metal foot is missing which does not destabilize the whole. (photos 8 and 10) Height: 27 cm. Diameter: 10 cm. To collect or to offer.