
Love and the Gallic spirit throughout history from the 15th to the 20th century 4 Vol. / 4 1927 to 1929 Half bound, full percaline boards, gilt title on board and spine Board 1 with gilded angel motifs, hollow pattern on board 2 cold Very beautiful richly decorated binding, red edges at the top 24 plates inset in color or black including three double plates in three and four colors Original compositions by: Roger Broders, A. Gorguet, Manuel Orazi, R. 390, 396, 395 & 396 pp. Very nice and good overall, clean and healthy
Réf  :   #251842


Love and the Gallic spirit throughout history from the 15th to the 20th century - 4 Vol.

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Last update : 15/12/2024
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80800 Bonnay
95.80 €
75.20 €
109.90 €
7.80 €
8.60 €
16.90 €

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Love and the Gallic spirit throughout history from the 15th to the 20th century 4 Vol. / 4 1927 to 1929 Half bound, full percaline boards, gilt title on board and spine Board 1 with gilded angel motifs, hollow pattern on board 2 cold Very beautiful richly decorated binding, red edges at the top 24 plates inset in color or black including three double plates in three and four colors Original compositions by: Roger Broders, A. Gorguet, Manuel Orazi, R. 390, 396, 395 & 396 pp. Very nice and good overall, clean and healthy
Réf  :   #251842


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