Lot of 5 Majorette Serie 200 Chevy Tow truck Coca cola Pick up camino NEWÂ sold as in the photos Coca Cola 4x4Coca Cola 4x4 Chevrolet red CHEVROLET EMERGENCY road service tow truck 228Chevrolet Pick Up El Camino series 200series 200 Chevy tow truck 24hr service Several items in my shop
Réf :
Brand / From : Majorette
Color(s) : Multicolored
Material : Plastic
Lot of 5 Majorette Serie 200 Chevy Tow truck Coca cola Pick up camino NEW
Lot of 5 Majorette Serie 200 Chevy Tow truck Coca cola Pick up camino NEWÂ sold as in the photos Coca Cola 4x4Coca Cola 4x4 Chevrolet red CHEVROLET EMERGENCY road service tow truck 228Chevrolet Pick Up El Camino series 200series 200 Chevy tow truck 24hr service Several items in my shop