
Superb Limoges France Vase decorated by hand This vase will find its place with a pretty country bouquet or other on a table It will please people who love beautiful vases This object will be packaged with the greatest care Dimensions: Height 24.8 cm Opening diameter 8.8 cm Bottom diameter 7.7 cm Circumference 38 cm at the widest Weight: 518 grams No. 193
Réf  :   #263126


Limoges porcelain vase decorated by hand

0 100  English  Français
Last update : 20/12/2024
17 14,00
26210 Lens-Lestang
93.30 €
72.70 €
107.40 €
26.30 €
4.40 €
4.70 €
12.00 €

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Superb Limoges France Vase decorated by hand This vase will find its place with a pretty country bouquet or other on a table It will please people who love beautiful vases This object will be packaged with the greatest care Dimensions: Height 24.8 cm Opening diameter 8.8 cm Bottom diameter 7.7 cm Circumference 38 cm at the widest Weight: 518 grams No. 193
Réf  :   #263126


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Last seen:  9 days ago

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