⚜️ Mismatched set of plates and dishes ⚜️ Keller and Guérin, Givors, Longchamp and Digoin Sarreguemines. Mismatched set consisting of: 1 K&G Lunéville flat plate.1 "Roxanne" deep dish by the Nouvelle Faïencerie de Givors.3 "Luke" model deep plates by Longchamp.2 deep plates by Digoin Sarreguemines - Economat du Centre. All the pieces (rather atypical) have the same green, which makes it a mismatched and matched lot at the same time. Shipping in
Réf :
Color(s) : White / Green
Material : Porcelain
Pattern : Floral, Vegetal
Hollow plates and a hollow dish ⚜️ Longchamp ⚜️ Lunéville ⚜️ Digoin ⚜️ Givors
⚜️ Mismatched set of plates and dishes ⚜️ Keller and Guérin, Givors, Longchamp and Digoin Sarreguemines. Mismatched set consisting of: 1 K&G Lunéville flat plate.1 "Roxanne" deep dish by the Nouvelle Faïencerie de Givors.3 "Luke" model deep plates by Longchamp.2 deep plates by Digoin Sarreguemines - Economat du Centre. All the pieces (rather atypical) have the same green, which makes it a mismatched and matched lot at the same time. Shipping in