Worldwide sale. ATTENTION: prevents the seller from contacting the seller, causing me to lose many sales. You must therefore contact me with my contact details in the last lines of this description. 05-49-56-63-75 . Art Deco hat head. It is a small woman's head wearing a burgundy felt hat. It is made of plastered canvas, reinforced and nicely painted. The hat is small. Perhaps it is a representative's hat head which would explain the small size. Diameter: 12 cm. Height: 25 cm. Very good condition.
Worldwide sale. ATTENTION: prevents the seller from contacting the seller, causing me to lose many sales. You must therefore contact me with my contact details in the last lines of this description. 05-49-56-63-75 . Art Deco hat head. It is a small woman's head wearing a burgundy felt hat. It is made of plastered canvas, reinforced and nicely painted. The hat is small. Perhaps it is a representative's hat head which would explain the small size. Diameter: 12 cm. Height: 25 cm. Very good condition.