
Curiosity, lot of terracotta murals decorated with fruit trees bearing fruit. This lot includes: - a rectangular wall terracotta (30 x 38) representing a branch of a plum tree and its eight plums (lack of paint on the plums). Stamped JS on the back (see photo) - three circular-shaped terracotta murals (16cm in diameter) representing a branch of a plum tree with two plums (missing the links between the branch and the fruits, small gaps on the edge), a branch of a pear tree (a broken corner reattached), a branch - of what looks like a peach tree to me (imperfections). Production of the Josef Strnact pottery in Austria.
Réf  :   #143247
Brand / From :  JS


Curiosity Josef Strnact - Wall terracotta fruits on branches - Art Nouveau

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Last update : 01/06/2024
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30000 Nîmes
102.20 €
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19.90 €

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Curiosity, lot of terracotta murals decorated with fruit trees bearing fruit. This lot includes: - a rectangular wall terracotta (30 x 38) representing a branch of a plum tree and its eight plums (lack of paint on the plums). Stamped JS on the back (see photo) - three circular-shaped terracotta murals (16cm in diameter) representing a branch of a plum tree with two plums (missing the links between the branch and the fruits, small gaps on the edge), a branch of a pear tree (a broken corner reattached), a branch - of what looks like a peach tree to me (imperfections). Production of the Josef Strnact pottery in Austria.
Réf  :   #143247
Brand / From :  JS


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