Worldwide sale. ATTENTION: prevents the seller from contacting the seller, causing me to lose many sales. You must therefore contact me with my contact details in the last lines of this description. 05-49-56-63-75 . Women's brooch: a Thistle. Silver-colored white metal brooch representing a thistle flower on a stem. The heart of the flower is in cut pink crystal. Length: 7.5 cm. Width: 1.5 cm. Good condition.
Worldwide sale. ATTENTION: prevents the seller from contacting the seller, causing me to lose many sales. You must therefore contact me with my contact details in the last lines of this description. 05-49-56-63-75 . Women's brooch: a Thistle. Silver-colored white metal brooch representing a thistle flower on a stem. The heart of the flower is in cut pink crystal. Length: 7.5 cm. Width: 1.5 cm. Good condition.